KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Selling doom or Utopia

I tend to not believe melodramatic people. “We’re all doomed”, or “This wonderful thing is about to happen!”.

This is a common problem with influential preppers. Usually by saying some version of: "The collapse is coming in 90/30/120 days- do this NOW!" Maybe, but don't bet your life on it happening on schedule. Just keep prepping at your best pace so you'll be better off even if the collapse surprises you, or never comes.

Don't think you're doing a service by trying to scare people into acting.

I understand that some people need a deadline to get moving. But once your prediction doesn't come true you risk losing those people forever. Then instead of helping them prepare, you've done the opposite. They aren't going to believe you-- or anyone else-- next time. They may decide prepping is paranoid and pointless.

This is what has made me stop watching videos from most of the preppers I used to watch.

The opposite side of the coin is "Bitcoin will zoom to $1M by the end of the year!" I'd like to believe it, but I don't.

If you are too over-the-top I'm going to laugh at you or ignore you. Even though you might be right. I have my own eyes, and I watch the situation. But, if I ever tell you I know what the future holds, assume I'm wrong.

Thank you for reading.