KentForLiberty pages

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Dangerous cowards

I think cowardice is behind a lot of statism. Cowards are not harmless-- they can get you killed. Cowards are exceptionally dangerous.

Fear makes them overreact, and often makes them beg for bullies-- like government-- to save them from their multitude of fears. And since it isn't possible to save anyone from their own fear, there's no end to it. Ever.

They'll cheer your death if they are afraid of you and your liberty.

Never trust a coward.

Once you realize someone is a coward, get away from them as fast as possible. You're not in a good situation. And be prepared to defend yourself from them if they corner you.

(Image generated by Grok)

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  1. I found your little piece of the internet today. It's my latest addition to
    Pinned to favorites.
    Decades ago I decided the democrats didn't represent me.
    Having fallen for the Everyone is one or the other, I registered as Republican. It took just a coupla years to realize,, Nope, I'm not one of these, either. So, I spent time alone, doing mental exercises, considering different things and deciding for myself what I thought was Right. And didn't see anyone in DC who even almost agreed with how I thought. Whinging to a friend about it, he said, You need to look at Ron Paul.
    A man who embodied Public Servant. He didn't go home rich.
    I'm hoping Trump can corral the deep state and get America back on course.

    1. I started out apathetic about politics, except I knew I hated most government. Then someone in a college history class told me this meant I was "conservative". I didn't know enough to argue the point and accepted that this was what I was... until I kept seeing that every "conservative/Republican" politician kept stabbing me in the back as soon as he got into office.
      Then I encountered the book Lever Action, by L. Neil Smith and was able to put a name to what I believe. It didn't take long before I started dropping all the "but"s and realized I'm actually an anarchist. Not a mustachioed bomb-throwing socialist, but a "I have no belief in rulers" anarchist. I've never looked back.
      I don't think Trump will accomplish anything like corralling the deep state, even if that's what he truly wants. I would love to be wrong.
