KentForLiberty pages

Friday, November 29, 2024

The surveillance state or humanity-- your choice

The surveillance state has to be dismantled and destroyed. I'm not saying it will be, but that it has to be. If it isn't, civilization is over. 

It's a choice.

You can allow the bad guys to keep their surveillance state or you can choose civilization, society, and human flourishing.

The surveillance state includes all "tax" records, all gun records, all license records-- anything that can be used to track and categorize people, and to govern them (steal their life, liberty, and property). It ALL must be ground into dust and burned.

It all has to be gone. Or else.

Thank you for reading.
I need your support.


  1. The surveillance state IS "civilization," or at least an extreme culmination thereof.

    Per Wikipedia, civilization is characterized, in part, by "the development of the state" and "social stratification" and among its main features are taxation and regulation.

    The surveillance state puts all those on steroids.

    To be "civilized" is to be shackled to that kind of system.

    1. As with many (mostly political) things, that definition was devised to muddle reality. Just like when "anarchy" definitions focus on "chaos". Just like socialism is deeply antisocial.
      Civilization is the cumulative result of civil acts-- self-organization; emergent order. Cooperation, not coercion. Following the ZAP is civilized, archation is not.
      Taxation is an uncivil act (theft, extortion) and thus can't be a legitimate part of civilization no matter how they try to twist definitions around. The same with regulations that violates natural human rights. Civilization might exist in spite of those things, but not because of them.
      They are mis-defining "civilization" to fit their purpose. If their mis-definition prevails, I want no part of their "civilization" but will choose to be civil instead.

    2. The modern usage of the word "civil," from the 14th century on, derives from an Old French word that means "relating to civil law or life; pertaining to the internal affairs of a state."

    3. That's a perverted definition, then. Just like "Anarchy means chaos". It reminds me of how the military has tortured the word "liberty" to mean the opposite of liberty. has some definitions of "civil" that are more fitting, but they are #7 and 8: "adhering to the norms of polite social intercourse; not deficient in common courtesy", "marked by benevolence". That's what I think of when I hear the word, not anything relating to the State (which embodies the exact opposite).
      Is there a good word to use to mean those things instead? "Respectful" is suggested as a synonym, but is that good enough?

  2. I agree with Kent in that what comes to my mind when I hear and use the word ‘civilization’ has little if anything of the same relationship to the meaning of the political ‘State’ or the process of ‘rulership’ as I understand them. That is the problem with definitions and the assignment of words to describe concepts. Language is malleable and people choose what designations they use to emphasize and attribute the more agreeable or negative aspects of the concepts to the things they approve or condemn. Thus the political State sees itself and promotes the view to others, that is the embodiment of order and justice, i.e. ‘civilized’ behavior while the reality is commonly otherwise. The same is true of the word ‘anarchy’ as Kent mentions which has been illegitimately slandered with the attribution of ‘chaos’; primarily I expect, by those apologists for the rulers in the political State who wish to debase the concept of a world without them by tarring it with the responsibility for consequences more accurately stemming from their own actions.
