KentForLiberty pages

Monday, September 09, 2024

He's lying about his books being banned

Stephen King says Florida has banned 23 of his books. Yet, "banned" would mean the Florida government has made it illegal for bookstores to carry those books for sale. Maybe even criminalized the possession of those books in your home or on private property. Like when drugs or weapons are banned. Is this what has happened? 

Or is he lying

It seems he's just mad that an institution he probably supports isn't providing his books for the inmates to read.

Telling schools they can't provide sexually explicit materials to kindergarteners (or other pre-adolescents) isn't censorship. It's not an example of "banning books"; it's being a responsible adult by keeping powerful things out of the hands of those developmentally incapable of properly handling them, primarily due to their age. 

It's like being responsible by not handing an unsupervised 6-year-old a loaded and cocked pistol and sending him out the door. Maybe school libraries shouldn't provide guns for the kids to check out, either. As much as I support the natural human right to own and carry weapons, I know this wouldn't be the right thing, or the smart thing, to do. This isn't supporting "gun control"; it's not being part of a problem. Stephen King is part of a problem.

I'm opposed to government making up legislation on either side of the issue-- or, about anything at all. I'm also opposed to the existence of government schools. This is only an issue because government is doing lots of interlocking things it shouldn't be doing-- things it has no right to do because government has no rights.

Thank you for reading.  


  1. The meme in this link was published earlier today on TheBurningPlatform "GOVERNMENT AND MEDIA RIDICULE":

    Seems appropriate to your post above.

    Hans ... in the NC woods
