KentForLiberty pages

Saturday, August 24, 2024

This next week is a doozy

Just a quick note. Today begins the most insanely busy week: a comic-con for my daughter, a follow-up appointment for my left eye, my daughter's birthday, the surgery on my right eye, then a follow-up appointment on my right eye. Followed by making trips to take care of my sister's cats (including one that is elderly and on medication to keep her from dying) while she goes on a weekend vacation. In that order. All except for the cat sitting are at least an hour and a half from home, and all are on different days so nothing can be combined into one trip.

This is the week I warned you about.

I am trying to make sure I have things written to post, but I can't guarantee it. I may not respond to comments or emails in a timely fashion. If I do things right, you won't even notice if you forget about this note. And that's my intention; to make you forget I even mentioned it by keeping things going without a hitch.

Keep me in your thoughts.

Thank you for reading.  


  1. Good luck successfully juggling all that, and hopefully all the eye stuff will come out very right!
