KentForLiberty pages

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The rifle didn't do this

It's not the rifle's fault. 

I'm already hearing new "questions" about long-range rifles. Maybe I've waited too long to get that bolt-action .308 with a good scope.

It sounds like the Secret Service agents (as well as other cop-types) were informed of the shooter's presence and location well before the first shots. But who knows what's real?

If you've spent 9 years calling someone "Hitler", I'm not going to believe your "shock" at the events. Nor do your calls for "no political violence" carry any weight.

I have other thoughts that would get me banned from most (or all) social media, would make anti-gun bigots AND Trump supporters angry, and probably wouldn't be productive anyway.

I will just re-emphasize: Politics makes people stupid and evil.

Thank you for reading.  


  1. The name of the shooter has been released. He's Thomas Matthew Crooks and he's only 20 y/o. A social media account in his name calls him "anti-fascist." So many young people are so indoctrinated now.

    1. Anti-fascist = fascist. TDS is a serious mental condition,

  2. Excellent point.

    The shooter comes from an upper middle-class background. His father is a psychologist and his mother is a teacher. They live in a comfortable exurb of Pittsburgh. He was the middle of three children. He was an honor student, but suffered a lot of bullying in the public schools. His family never suspected what he was planning.

    1. He was most likely radicalized by the media's incessant TDS. I'd be curious to see what his parents' beliefs are, to see if they were a calming influence or if they only parroted what the media told them.
