KentForLiberty pages

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Immunize yourself against global government

The best defense from a one-world government is to grow beyond belief in government. 

As long as you're willing to tolerate a little government, you can be tricked into supporting more. And more. You'll always be concerned only with "when it becomes too much".

Any political government is too much. 

No one has a right to govern another and such a "right" can't be created. It doesn't matter if it's a small-town mayor and his flunkies or a Supreme Council for the whole planet. Or a Galactic Empire.

Stop falling for The Most Dangerous Superstition and you'll increase your immunity to governments across the board. Including any attempt at a global government.

Thank you for reading.  


  1. I'm currently working my way through that book after being piqued by your recent exchange; can't believe it took so long before I heard of it. Reading it is like a cleansing.

    1. It really is.
      I used to have two copies of the book- one for myself and one to loan out. The loaner has vanished, but I'm hoping it is still out there doing some good.
