KentForLiberty pages

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Death to cops?

A couple of days ago I got into a discussion with a cop on Facebook. He took it personally that I pointed out that any honest depiction of cops will seem like a "slam" to those who believe there are "good cops".

Among the various comments he made was that I gloat over the deaths of cops who are just trying to make life better and safer by catching people who don't "act as they should". (Yeah, I'll ignore the numerous falsehoods, faulty premises, and outright delusions in that assertion for now.)

It's not just cops.

When I hear of the death of anyone engaged in aggression or theft I count it as a win for each and every individual who makes up society. If a cop can do his "job" without becoming an aggressor or thief I will not gloat if he dies "in the line of duty". If not- good riddance to bad trash.

The problem is that even that cop on Facebook knows that simply isn't possible. He knows he's a bad guy- he just expects others to pretend otherwise and worship him and his "brothers" based upon their imaginary "necessity".

Not gonna happen from this end.


1 comment:

  1. Well said, Kent. I, too, will stop "gloating" when roving police gangs stop assaulting and murdering people.

    “Putting uniforms and badges on criminals doesn't make them good.” ~ Amos Vaden

    “I don't blindly worship or follow a law just because a group of bullies put scribble on paper and another group of thugs decided to impose said stupidity upon me. Sorry but I'm not impressed with some mindless robot just doing his job.” ~ Victor Bozzo
