KentForLiberty pages

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ABQ 13th in percentage of tax-parasites

ABQ 13th in percentage of tax-parasites

Albuquerque has the dubious distinction of being one of the cities in America where more than 20% of its residents work for government at some level. Albuquerque comes in at number 13, with 21.58% of its workforce being tax-parasites. I'll bet if the accounting considered those "private sector" jobs that could not exist without supporting some government function the percentage would be much higher. But we'll ignore that for now.

That means that the rest of the people in Albuquerque, almost four out of five, are carrying those freeloaders. There is a better than one in five chance that you are parasitically living off your neighbors and the fruits of their production. But no one seriously considers taxation to be theft and those who live on government paychecks to be parasites. That's right. "No one" does.


I am 'no one'

I am 'no one'

I have discovered that according to the statists, I do not exist. That should mean they don't expect me to pay taxes or be bound by their "laws". Right?

What proof do I have that I am a non-existent "no one" to the statists? Consider these statements I have heard many times over the course of the years coming from them:

"No one wants to live without police."

"No one wants to live in a town without code enforcement."

"No one wants mentally ill people to be able to have guns."

"No one wants felons to be able to legally own guns."

"No one wants to completely end taxation."

"No one seriously thinks it would be a good idea to shut down the government."

"No one would want to do without government free [sic] roads and free [sic] schools for the children."

"No one really wants to make all drugs legal."

"No one wants to remove government oversight from businesses that make our food and drugs."

In all the above statements, I AM "no one". I have advocated all of those very things in the virtual pages of The Albuquerque Libertarian Examiner in the past year and a half, and in my blog for years before that.
Are you also "no one" in at least some of the above?
