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Sunday, August 15, 2010

ABQ drug-thieves-in-uniform strike again

ABQ drug-thieves-in-uniform strike again

An Albuquerque man has been "arrested" for making and selling steroids. What I can't find anywhere in the news story is an indication that any of his customers felt they had been defrauded or harmed.

The "brave" drug warriors made a big deal out of the fact that he was using "cattle medications" as raw materials for his product. So what? Chemicals don't know whether they are "cattle medications" or "human medications". After all, take extremely toxic sodium and combine it with extremely toxic chlorine and you get table salt which is necessary for life. The beginning raw materials have no bearing on the final product. Was he selling what he was claiming to be selling?

Now, I think steroid use for "muscle building" is incredibly stupid. The risks, to me, are not worth the supposed benefits. That is my choice and I have no right to force others to go along. If, because of abuse of the steroids, his customers become prone to "'roid rage" and attack me, I have the right to fight back however I see fit, just like I do in any case of an attack under any circumstances.

The LEOs were not content to just kidnap the man (and his wife), though. They also set to work immediately to make sure everyone heard what a bad man the independent chemist is.
Supposedly the drugs, including some for personal use rather than inventory, were within easy reach of children in the home. Were the children suspected of ingesting any? If not, maybe they knew better than the man or his customers.

There was also a stolen gun in the house, which is the only thing I find really wrong in this scenario. However, did he know it was stolen? Did he steal it himself or know it was stolen when he bought it? And if he knew it was a stolen gun, how is that different than the cops buying things with money they know was taken through threats and coercion from the people who rightfully earned it? Theft is theft and benefiting from stolen goods is still wrong, and it doesn't matter what silly hat (or haircut) you wear.

Psst. Hey buddy, wanna buy a corpse?

Those automated ads on Examiner (and lots of other places) sure do come up with some bizarre things they think people are in the market for.
Here's the ad that was there while I was checking my Examiner column for new comments.
As if that isn't something I could manufacture for myself if I needed one bad enough. Or, maybe it's an ad for a psychic who "helps" the cops find missing people. Or, perhaps they provide freshly-unburied cadavers for home dissection (or re-animation experiments).
It's almost enough to make me click on the stupid ad. But not quite.