KentForLiberty pages

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Don't let others' weaknesses control you

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for May 5, 2024)

Everyone has weaknesses and faults. This includes you and me. We need to acknowledge our weaknesses and work on doing better. Your life will also be easier and you'll be a better person if you're tolerant of the weaknesses and faults of others. Up to a point.

This doesn't mean you have to sit quietly while someone's faults are damaging your life. Communicate the problem and, when it needs to be said, tell them clearly where your line in the sand is. Be polite when possible.

You aren't obligated to allow others to hurt you just because they don't know a better way.

A frequent example is those who want "just a few more" anti-gun rules. Common sense gun law already exists; "shall not be infringed". Anything else is a call to return to slavery. How tolerant of slavery should we be? Not even a little.  

A fear of guns doesn't create any right to enslave you so others feel better. No, it is their responsibility to grow up and take charge of their own security rather than demand you become a slave to their fearful weakness. Making others equally weak and helpless won't make the weak and helpless stronger or safer.

This goes for every cry to expand government and give it more power. Just like it isn't reasonable to be tolerant of a mugger, no matter what weaknesses and faults he believes give him no choice but to be a mugger, it isn't reasonable to be tolerant of those who want to strip away what's left of your liberty. Wanting to exercise liberty isn't a weakness or a fault; seeking to take it away is.

You can feel sorry for the people trying to do this but don't let your pity give them the power or opportunity to enslave you.

You may even understand why they do what they do. Maybe they aren't smart enough to resist the pied pipers promising free stuff and safety.
Maybe they are crooked and see an opportunity to steal life, liberty, or property from their fellow residents.
Perhaps they are terrified of liberty and those who live it.
These are all weaknesses, and while sad, don't entitle them to control you. You can sympathize a little with their problems, but don't surrender to them. They'll have to work out their issues on their own.

Liberty gives them the best chance of doing so successfully.
I couldn't do this without your support.

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