KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A little update on the eye

I’m having a tough time using the computer- or doing most other things- at the moment, with my one functional eye.

Even thinking seems impaired right now. I’m wondering if I’m using more of my brain just trying to navigate the world, leaving less available for deeper things.

But I’m seeing the signs the surgeon told me I’d see on my way to seeing out of that eye again. That’s a good sign that my eye is refilling with vitreous humor so I’ll be able to see more than colored lights and shadows out of it. 

And I’m feeling pretty good. No pain or anything like that. The surgical soreness only lasted a couple of days.

I made the mistake of looking at that eye in the mirror- there’s something creepy about it.

I’ll be back soon, but not as soon as I’d like.


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