KentForLiberty pages

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Helping, hurting, or ?

It's a question everyone needs to stop and ask themselves occasionally: Am I helping or hurting, or am I completely irrelevant?

I've been told I'm all three. Sometimes on the same day.

Some people have told me of the positive difference I've made. That's always welcome and appreciated.

I'm not going to compromise or equivocate. Some people have told me this hurts the cause of liberty because it's "extreme". This doesn't feel as good as the positive affirmations, but it's still appreciated. Feedback is useful.

Then, others have told me it doesn't matter what I say or do because no one's listening to hear it. I know that's not true since I can see how many hits this blog gets in a day. Obviously, simply seeing the post doesn't mean anyone is getting the message, or that they agree. But it's something. I may still be irrelevant in the grand scheme, but I'm doing what I can do to the best of my ability, for as long as I feel like doing it.

I'm still flyin'.


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