KentForLiberty pages

Thursday, April 06, 2023

I’m home

I’m home resting, but also trying to walk to get rid of the laparoscopic gases that are causing most of my pain. In my shoulders.

The surgical area is sore but not so bad. 

The catheter is a major pain and annoyance, but I have prior experience- which is why it freaked me out so bad when I was told I would have to have one for a few days. 

Anyway, here I am. I may or may not post for a few days, other than the newspaper column on Sunday.

Thank you all for your support and concern. It makes a difference.

Update 2

 I should be discharged today. Here’s hoping. I’ll have to come back Monday to see the urologist and get the catheter out, which is annoying. If I lived closer it would be much less inconvenient, but I don’t like big cities.

I’m doing really well. I did get some pain meds today (so excuse me if I sound stoned), but it’s for my back which started hurting early this morning. The surgery site doesn’t hurt much. The pain in my shoulders from the laparoscopic gases is pretty intense. But only if I use my arms. 

The nursing staff here has been awesome. It’s been like a vacation where someone sticks you with a needle every couple of hours.
