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Saturday, April 10, 2021

Fact checking a "fact check" on a fact check

Joe Biden said you can buy any gun you want at a gun show without a background check.

Fact checkers say Biden's wrong because dealers are still required to do unconstitutional (illegal) FBI background checks on all the guns they sell at a gun show.

Scott Adams "fact checks" the fact checkers by making the claim that Biden was right-- you can buy any gun you want at a gun show just by finding a private individual who is selling the exact gun you want. No background check.

Here's why Adams is-- yet again-- wrong on guns.

Do you know what kind of guns you can't generally get in a private sale at a gun show (or anywhere)? The newest gun model, in brand new unfired condition. 

You can get almost anything as long as you don't mind a used gun. You might even luck out and find an older gun in like-new, unfired condition, or a brand new model that someone bought but decided to not keep after firing a box or two of ammunition through it. But the chance of finding a brand new, unfired example of the newest thing is going to be as likely as finding a unicorn.

Do you know what other guns you can't get in a "background-checkless" private sale at a gun show? Anything illegally rationed by the 1934 NFA.

So, no, you can't buy any gun you want, at a gun show, without a background check. Joe Biden and Scott Adams were both utterly and completely wrong. Again. As anti-gun bigots and government-supremacists almost always are.


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