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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Can do without Biden's 'unity'

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for January 27, 2021)

John Brennan, an ex-CIA director from Obama's administration, claims the federal government is targeting "religious extremists", conservatives, and libertarians for extra scrutiny. All these people are said to be potential domestic terrorists.

He recently stated on MSNBC, “[M]embers of the Biden team ... are now moving in laser-like fashion, to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country and they gain strength, and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists — so authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, and even libertarians,"

What scary company!

For people who only want to leave everyone else alone, libertarians sure to seem to attract a lot of powerful enemies. The worst things libertarians do are exercise the natural human right of self-defense and engage in non-compliance when legislation violates human rights. Not terrorist behaviors, but behaviors for which the government-supremacists hate and fear us. Maybe it's because we-- along with conservatives-- are the ones with most of the guns.

The truth is, John Brennan should look in a mirror.

Brennan and his sort are the authoritarians; the people who crave and worship imaginary political authority. According to fellow liberty advocate and author, Larken Rose, belief in political authority is the world's most dangerous superstition. I think he's correct.

How can Brennan fear fascists? Political government is always fascistic as well as being socialistic. Does he fear himself?

I would say Brennan is also a religious extremist, only his god is the state. Look who and what he is willing to sacrifice for his religion. Anyone who doesn't buy the leftist narrative is seen as a danger. You're probably an infidel, just like me, and liberty-- which he appears bigoted against-- must be treated as blasphemy.

If what he says is true, the Biden administration seems to agree with him.

Will Joe Biden wait for Congress to make up legislation to target us, or will he squeeze out yet another executive order? I wonder if they'll give Brennan the job of going after these "dangerous" people. Time will tell.

I wasn't a supporter of Trump, nor a supporter of any president or even of the office, but I like Trump as a person a lot more than I like Biden. So far, Biden's notion of "unity" is one I can do without.

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"Just test it small"

You can't just judge slavery and say it's bad. You need to test it in some limited way-- or region-- and see how it works out

The same goes for genocide. It's small-minded to just come out against it until you test it and see if it's right for some state or city. You're just not a smart person if you automatically say it's wrong to commit genocide.

Sure, these things have been tested multiple times and found to be awful (maybe the tests were flawed), but this time might be different. Right...?

This is the government-supremacist justification for anti-gun legislation, for $15 per hour minimum wages and other government economic interference, and for climate legislation. Until you've tested every idea, how can you credibly criticize it? So why pretend you can just pre-judge those other things I listed at the beginning?

Because you're smarter than those who believe anyone has a right to test such things.

If a plan would violate the life, liberty, or property of any individual, it would be just as wrong to "test it small" as it would to impose it on the entire population of Earth. It doesn't matter whether it works. It doesn't matter if you really want to know how it would turn out. There are things no one has the right or the imaginary political "authority" to do. You don't need to test them to figure that out-- just have worthwhile ethics.


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