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Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Great (business) Extinction

The government's "pandemic" shut-downs are causing a Great Extinction-- for businesses.

It's like an asteroid strike, a supervolcano caldera explosion, or a new ice age. But political rather than physical.

Many businesses won't survive-- it will probably end up killing off more than even I suspect. The survivors will have to evolve to the new ecosystem.

It's not the pandemic that did this-- it is the misguided overreactions of political bullies, and the people who complied with their unreasonable demands. I don't blame those who complied-- it is always a hard choice. Comply and make the overall situation worse, or refuse to comply and make your individual situation worse.

Whatever caused the problem, it is done now. What will remain?

There will be lots of opportunities for those who survive and can adapt. After big extinction events, there are lots of niches to be filled. I hope all of us can take advantage of them.

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