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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Big, ugly, and still not the boss of Halloween

"Did they cancel Trick-or-Treating this year?"

What kind of question is that? Government doesn't own Halloween. It gets no say in how it is celebrated. 

Sure, political monsters in some decaying grave yard-like places imagine they have a say, and they might torment you for ignoring their opinions. But they are not the boss of Halloween. They never were.

Remind them of that fact. That'll scare the poop out of those zombies for the whole year!


Writing to promote liberty is my job.
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Just in case...

Back in the late 1980s, there was a prediction of a major earthquake on the New Madrid fault. I was in the danger zone at that time. I didn't really believe it would happen. I prepared anyway. That was the first time I ever really did anything that could be called "prepping".

Even though I didn't believe the earthquake would happen, I knew it was always possible. I even knew a family in the area whose house was actually splitting due to a minor fault running under it (even splitting the street and curb in front of their house as well). I figured it couldn't hurt me to be ready even if nothing happened. So I did what I could think of, which mostly involved storing water and having a wrench handy to shut off the gas to the house. I've grown a bit since then.

Nothing happened. I wasn't disappointed.

I did the same when "Y2K" was approaching. Again, I didn't believe anything would come of it, but I couldn't see any way it would hurt me to be ready. That time I did more to prepare because by that time I knew more what I was doing.

Again, nothing happened. That time I admit I was a little disappointed.

It's the same situation with the upcoming election. I don't believe anything major will happen, no matter how the election goes. I'm ready anyway. I'll have to wait and see if I feel disappointed afterward.

No matter what happens, I know it is my responsibility to do whatever I can-- within reason-- to prepare. 

Writing to promote liberty is my job.
YOU get to decide if I get paid.
Check out my prepper community on locals!
I hope I add something you find valuable enough to support.