KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Setting people at each other's throats

Anytime you politicize anything-- by letting government dictates and legislation force a one-size-fits-all path on everyone-- people get angry. And who can really blame them?

People on both sides are likely to flip out instead of being civil and letting people make their own choices.

Then you'll have the clueless ask "why are people so partisan?"

Well, if you didn't threaten people with the guns of the state they wouldn't feel they have to be partisan. It's viewed as necessary for self-defense... by both sides.

If you have a good idea, talk people into going along. And if you can't, let it go. Don't demand "a law". Don't demand stronger enforcement. If your idea relies on either of those your idea is probably garbage and you-- by insisting on government intervention-- are a failure.

I have room in my Being to not try to control other people, even if I think they are doing something stupid. I may say something, but I won't force them to adopt my path. If I think it might harm me, I step back to a safer distance, and I may warn others, as well. I won't try to encourage others to molest you with "laws".


Writing to promote liberty is my job.
YOU get to decide if I get paid.
I hope I add something you find valuable enough to support.