KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Teaching lies

I have a problem with anyone who teaches children incorrect information. When it's intentional, that's worse.

Such as the lie that government is good or necessary. This is part of the reason I so strongly dislike "public" (government) schools. Not the only reason, obviously, but a big one.

I also hate the bullying, the religious indoctrination (here, they indoctrinate more than just Statism), the theft-financing, and the antisocializing the kids go through.

I also hate the trends the kids spread among themselves at those kinderprisons, but that I don't blame on the schools.

But teaching kids incorrect information-- when the "teachers" ought to know better because they've been exposed to the correct information-- is unforgivable.

Yes, I realize most of the "teachers" were also force-fed the same lies and they are just passing along what they were taught. But once someone points out why they are mistaken, and they dig their heels in, well, that's just wrong.

Of course, they want to keep that paycheck coming, and speaking the truth would end the gravy-train-- if they could live with themselves while holding such a "job".

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