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Monday, March 18, 2019

Worse than sexual predators

It seems that every day there's yet another sexual predator exposed. Good. They need to be exposed and stopped.

The problem is, there's an even worse kind of predator; a type which doesn't have to be exposed because so few people recognize what they do as predation that it isn't hidden. It is carried out in the open, and many people even admire them for it.

Few see it as wrong. But that doesn't mean it isn't wrong.

Once upon a time, few people saw slavery as wrong. But it was.

These predators of whom I speak are those who use politics "legally". All of them. They are political predators and they are molesting you and your loved ones right this minute.

Political predators are bad guys who need to be exposed-- by having the veil of legitimacy stripped from them-- and they need to be stopped.

The thing with sexual predators is that sex itself isn't inherently wrong. It can be consensual and mutually voluntary. Sexual predators are bad because they skip the consent and use the political means against their victims. Just like other political predators do.

Politics can never be truly consensual and mutually voluntary. Otherwise, politics wouldn't be necessary. You could simply agree to a relationship. Politics is never like this. Politics is non-sexual (usually) rape. Politics is slavery. Politics is theft. Politics is the realm of the predator, exclusively. Good people use the economic means when dealing with others; bad people use the political means. Anyone who uses the political means is a political predator.

Yes, this means muggers, thieves, rapists, murderers, kidnappers, and all those people are, at the foundation, political predators. But so are people who aren't considered necessarily bad guys by the public at large. They are the "legal" political predators.

Police are political predators.
Politicians are political predators.
Bureaucrats who work in government are political predators.

Do you want these people around your kids? Or yourself? I sure don't.

Stop giving political predators a pass they don't deserve.


Reminder: I need roof help!


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