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Friday, March 15, 2019

Disavow and flee while you can!

I'm no fan of president Trump. It's sad that I have to say this first for fear of being misunderstood. To be clear: I need no president nor representative of any kind. I don't need your government or your "laws" or your enforcers. Keep them to yourself if you insist on having them. They are worth less than worthless.

But, back to the point... I just roll my eyes at how it seems to be dangerous to have worked with Trump, for him, or to know him. The Left Statists in government seem determined to punish (and cage) anyone who has been associated with him. They can't seem to get him, so they'll go after anyone who has ever been around him for more than 10 minutes.

I can't take any of it seriously. It's just a broken-down circus, without anything even marginally entertaining, at this point.

But it makes me glad I didn't ever meet Trump-- I don't want to have a target on my back.

I wonder if those going after Trump's associates realize they just look like witch hunters of "Olden Tymes". I'm tired of them and their clowning and I wouldn't pay any attention to them, but "news" keeps leaking in.

I wonder how they would have liked it if the "other side" [sic] had gone after everyone who was ever associated with Obama in the same way. (I would bring up Hillary's-- and Bill's-- associates, but they seem to have their own form of "bad luck" that has nothing to do with her opponents.) I guess this means it's open season on any future president's acquaintances. From now on. If you know someone with political aspirations, get away from them now!

The Left Statists need to stop acting like sore losers. But that's kind of the Statist Way, so I don't see it happening.


Reminder: I need roof help, badly! and fast!

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