KentForLiberty pages

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Cops are always DWI

There is no such thing as a police officer driving without being impaired. Not ever.

They are always under the influence of their imagined "authority". It's a powerful drug and it causes them to drive erratically. Their permanent condition of intoxication kills innocent people-- and some of the guilty cops, too.

It causes them to engage in high-speed chases. But when the cop kills innocent people he and his gang-- The Blue Line Gang-- will blame the person they were chasing. This is a filthy lie.

It causes them to make U-turns in unsafe conditions-- one of the local cops wrecked the cop car he drives (pictured above before the wreck) and seriously injured a random motorist a year or so back by doing just this in order to catch someone "speeding" a little-- something much less dangerous than what the cop did.

It causes them to believe they can text, make phone calls, and use their onboard computer terminals (to try to find reasons to stop and molest other motorists) more safely than lesser people like us. They can't. Their "training" doesn't make them superhuman.

Every cop is a junkie. No cop should be behind the wheel of a car under any circumstances. Never. But most certainly never under the excuse of "policing traffic". They are worse than any problem they pretend to fight. They are dangerous hypocrites. Get them off the roads, and keep them off the roads.


Reminder: I could really use some help, including help to cover the $1500 deductible on my roof after the wind yesterday removed many shingles. As I write this the wind is trying to remove my roof, too. I'm hoping it fails to do so.

Writing is my job.
YOU get to decide if I get paid.