KentForLiberty pages

Monday, February 11, 2019

Aim small; miss small (or maybe don't miss at all)

You've got to have a target in mind.

If you don't know what you're aiming for, how will you ever hit it?

The world will always try to fight against your aim. If you have a crosswind you have to take it into account, but still with the intention of hitting the target. You can't just let the wind push your aim where it will. You have to think about where you intend to hit and compensate for the crosswind. If you let the winds push your aim downwind, you'll not even hit close to your target.

By the same token, if you allow statism to push you in the direction it is blowing, you'll never hit the target of individual liberty. Yes, you may have to compensate, by being even more "radical" than you're comfortable with, but if you want to be on target you have no choice. You won't hit the target by deciding that hitting the target isn't realistic. You won't hit it by finding a substitute target you believe would be easier to hit. You won't hit the target by giving up and putting your gun down.

I know it's frustrating to be told constantly that you're not being realistic by insisting that the target you want to hit is the one you really are interested in hitting. That trying to shoot an easier target that you don't even want is the pragmatic compromise you're just going to have to settle for. Why even bother, in that case? And maybe that's the point. Get people to give up. That seems like a tactic the other side-- the statists-- would be using against you.


Reminder: I could really use some help.

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YOU get to decide if I get paid.