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Monday, November 05, 2018

Racist "libertarian" nationalists

A Facebook group I was recently added to, with "libertarian" in the name, seems to mostly be a hangout for "white supremacists/nationalists" who want to pretend their stance is somehow "libertarian".

One recent post in the group claimed that since "94% of libertarians" are "white", a libertarian best serves his/her own interests by making sure to only do business with "white-owned" businesses.

I confessed in a comment that I have never once chosen to do business with a place based upon the "race" of the business' owner. I usually don't even know it, anyway, and I'm not going to waste time and effort finding out.

I'm much more concerned about whether or not the business owner supports individual liberty. If they have a "no guns" sign, or proclaim that they "support law enforcement" then I know they are anti-liberty and spending money with them only hurts my interests. The "color" of the owners never even crosses my mind, and it never would have had I not seen the post in that group.

But, the guy who made the post LOLed at me and said "Sure you haven't" and "^not a business owner" in reply to my response. Seriously.

I foolishly fed the troll and said that no, I really had never chosen a business based on the "race" of the owner-- I was only concerned with whether I could get what I wanted at a price I was willing to pay, and mentioned that I had owned a few businesses in the past and that I technically had a couple going on right now. (And I still don't care about the "race" of those I trade with.) I'm sure he believes I'm a liar, seeing his world-view is what it is.

I said I thought his was the most pointless, self-defeating criteria for choosing whom to trade with I had ever heard anyone admit to. He would be embarrassed if he had any sense. But he doesn't so he isn't.

Reminder: I could really use some help.

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