KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

State of the "union" in 2018?

There is no union. It's a big lie.

Are prisoners held in the same cage necessarily united? Do they share goals beyond getting out of the cage? Is that enough to make them a cohesive group? Not really.

The people of the formerly "united" states of the late America are no more united than those prisoners. In fact, they are probably less united because most former Americans have been brainwashed into not even considering escape as an option. They can't even conceive of liberty from bondage anymore.

If there ever was a union, it's been gone for some time now. Good riddance.

It's time to move on. To do what you have a right to do and to reject and shun those who want to molest you. It's time for liberty. For externally imposed government: Time's up. Get out of my life.

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The nature of government

All governments are evil and corrupt. All of them. Every single one of them which has ever existed or ever will exist. It's the nature of the State and no amount of wishful thinking or justifications for its existence will ever change this harsh reality.

Pointing this out hurts people's feelings, especially those who work for government in some capacity but still want to believe they are a good person. And, for that, I'm sorry. But denial isn't healthy, and the truth is the truth and it needs to be acknowledged and accepted.

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