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Friday, September 15, 2017

Zero Archation Principle

With regard to the Theory of Relativity, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity came first. It worked OK, but there was something missing that kept it from working "generally". So, in time, Einstein came up with the General Theory of Relativity which applied much more generally, since it included acceleration, which is a common variable in the real world.

In the same way, there is the Zero Aggression Principle: "No human being has the right, under ANY circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, nor to advocate or delegate its initiation." It works great, where aggression is involved.

But aggression isn't the only thing you don't have a right to commit. I have always said the ZAP is essential, but not sufficient.

Some people tried to get around this inconvenient observation by defining other acts as "aggression", but it was always an awkward fit.

Part of the problem was that there simply wasn't a word which covered all those acts which no one has a right to commit.

So I created one: archation.

Now, rather than only having a Special Theory Principle of Relativity Libertarianism, we can have a General Principle of ... whatever you want to call it.

The Zero Archation Principle.

"No human being has the right, under ANY circumstances, to archate, nor to advocate or delegate archation."

This new, general ZAP is shorter and more comprehensive than the "special" ZAP that laid the groundwork. Sure, you'll have to define "archation", but admit it-- you've always had to define "aggression" anyway.

I'm not ditching the Zero Aggression Principle. It still works for so many cases, and is at least somewhat familiar to those fellow travelers who read. But in my own head, I have already switched over to the new ZAP- the Zero Archation Principle. Feel free to join me if you want.

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