KentForLiberty pages

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Tip-toeing through the Valley of Dangerous Opinions

Since it seems I already have half of the world annoyed with me for expressing my honest opinion in today's newspaper column (although I suspect almost no one read the whole column, before getting upset over the headline and/or first few paragraphs), I suppose this is as good a time as any to express another unpopular opinion.

I believe some homosexuality is genetic and some is by choice. Call it nature vs nurture, or intrinsic vs environmental/experiential, or whatever. I have no idea how much is which, nor do I care one way or the other. This opinion is based on personal observation and personal acquaintances.

And, just like the subject of my newspaper column, I know that it has absolutely no bearing on the rights a person has. As I say in the column (which I recommend you read):

"As a human you have the full complement of human rights-- life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness-- just because you are alive. End of story."

I probably have other unpopular opinions-- I've been made aware of a few over the years. Watch for them. But especially watch to see if I advocate statist actions based on my personal opinions, and burn me alive if I do.

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KentForLiberty fundraiser

Here are all the exciting ways you can enrich your own life while helping finance mine:

My books and Time's Up patches (yes, you can download the books without cost- and if you like them, you can toss a coin in the Paypal cup. Or not.)

CafePress stuff- I don't actually get more than a few cents off any sale, but the extra publicity of these items being seen in public might help a little.

I'm also usually selling a few things on eBay- user name: dullhawk1840.

I'm actually selling fidget spinners- $6 each, I have a variety of solid colors- none of which are KentForLiberty related. I have been selling locally, so I don't know what shipping would be. If you're interested, I can figure it out. Email me.

You can upv*te my posts on Steemit. Not sure how to use those Steem dollars, but if I get enough to be worthwhile I'll figure it out.

And, as always, you can subscribe to this blog on Patreon or Paypal (Paypal subscription options are on the right), or you can make a one-time Paypal donation if you so desire. You can consider it either charity (or even a birthday gift for the upcoming event) or exchanging value for value. Whichever makes you happier.

If you are already a supporter, please don't donate anything extra.

Don't spend/donate more than you can afford. Don't do it if you have better uses for the money, or if you don't want to for any reason whatsoever. If you do, then I sincerely thank you. If you don't, that's OK, too.

In my wildest dreams I can imagine getting enough to be able to replace the carport roof. In reality, well...
Even though I am NOT asking for "something for nothing", I realize many will equate this post with begging or panhandling. Such is life. I can't please everyone.