KentForLiberty pages

Monday, July 03, 2017

Inconveniences of Liberty

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it." ~ Thomas Jefferson
And so would I.

But what are these "inconveniences of liberty"?

I suppose it is inconvenient to respect the rights of others if they are doing something you don't like.

It would be easier to use the bludgeon of The State to get your way than to work out a compromise like self-responsible people.

Liberty can be a little scary sometimes, and I suppose fear is "inconvenient" for some people.

But The State is even more inconvenient. You would have to try hard to overlook that fact to see liberty as the bigger problem. The State would love for you to do that, of course, and will help you blind yourself to the facts. How anyone can seriously prefer the inconveniences of a State over the lesser inconveniences of liberty is something which bewilders me completely.

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