KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, July 04, 2017


It is ironic to be using Independence Day to confess my dependence. But, here I am.

Just as anyone is dependent on their customers, I am dependent on my subscribers and donors. They are my customers.

As I have mentioned, the numbers of subscribers has dwindled over the past couple of years, so if you aren't a subscriber, please consider signing up. I can't begin to tell you how much I'd appreciate it.

It's probably a bad strategy to have a business or service where the vast majority of your customers will never pay, but if I had to put everything behind a pay wall, I wouldn't bother to write near as much. I would rather have readers than subscribers. Of course, having both is even better.

And, if you aren't a subscriber, and don't want to be (or can't afford the commitment) consider making a donation.

You can find the links over on the right sidebar. Please give them a look.

Whatever you decide, thank you very much.

Now, go out and bust some caps.


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