KentForLiberty pages

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Helping others makes me happy

I love helping people. I really do. It's one of the happiest things I can do. I love the feeling of being useful and seeing how happy I can make people when I solve a problem they are facing. It doesn't have to be a life or death crisis, either.

I sometimes spend money I probably shouldn't spend just to be able to help people.

Very recently I was able to loan a back up battery to someone whose phone was dying so she could talk to her son in the midst of a problem. I also have adapters so my back up battery (actually, the USB cord) will fit other people's phones if theirs aren't the normal mini USB.

A couple of weeks ago I was able to help someone who couldn't get their car door to latch. I lost a tiny bit of blood with that one, but I felt wonderful that I was able to solve a problem. (And almost amazed that I knew how to solve a car-related problem.)

And, this is why I educate people about liberty. Liberty helps. It solves problems. Liberty makes me happy, even though it doesn't create Utopia. Sharing liberty makes me happy, and I want others to be happy, too.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always stepping up.