KentForLiberty pages

Sunday, June 12, 2016

"We're DOOOOOMED!!!"

The worst political fears- the ones used to manipulate people into accepting (or even begging for) government coercion- almost never come to pass. They are "hobgoblins".

Yes, bad things do happen. Horrific things. But these are usually the result of government "doing something", not due to government "failing to do something". The worst thing that can ever happen when a problem is noticed is for government to step in to try to solve it.

The belief that one candidate is worse than another is another hobgoblin. The ways in which each is bad may vary a little, but not enough to actually matter to your life (if you'll switch off the "news", anyway).

Look at history before you hyperventilate over whatever it is the fearmongers are trying to scare you with.



  1. This morning I was reading the Florida State Statutes on concealed weapons carry. (FS790.06) If you were to break the statute down section by section, it reads like "and then there was this one instance where a guy...." and so they added something in there in answer to a randomly occurring activity. It was a free for all back in the 80's when the law was crafted and every do-gooder both right and left had to put their fingers in the pie of the 2nd Amendment. Today's post seems relevant to this IMO.
