KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Horrible news- updated

But 50 minutes ago I learned that my 24 year-old daughter was killed in a car wreck. I feel nothing but numbness right now.

I have blog posts scheduled to post automatically for a few days.

Update: News story


Thank you to supporters- past, current, and future

If you are feeling generous and helpful, and can't think of others you'd prefer to help, consider the following ways you could help me out.

You can help me by helping yourself:

I still have "Time's Up" patches available.

And my books are still for sale (although I don't have all titles available at home to send out, you can get them directly from Amazon).

You can help me while helping yourself and others by supporting my writings:
I could really use some new subscribers- either to the blog through Paypal (button to the right) or through Patreon.

One time Paypal or Bitcoin (address to the right) donations work, too.

If, on the other hand, charity is your style, there is also my GoFundMe campaign- I am mostly using that for medical expenses. I had an unexpected one last week which I really couldn't afford, and another coming up in 2 weeks which I also can't afford (insurance seems spectacularly unhelpful some days, particularly with co-pays and such), which will lead to another medical expense I can't afford and am dreading (both involving travel expenses to The Big City). That's right, things aren't going particularly well right now, but I am trying to not let it spill over into the writing. Except for this post and my daily link to the GoFundMe campaign. And, obviously, things could be worse, and for many people they are.

I'm not going to "pin" this post, but I will renew it and put it back on top from time to time over the next couple of months. I hope you'll understand.


Cop hating?

Isn't it interesting how any response other than abject, boot kissing, badge licking worship is "hatred" where cops are concerned.

You can't notice what cops actually do, as opposed to what they say, or you are irrationally hating them.

You can't point out that they don't turn on open corruption in their gang, but hide it or ignore it whenever possible.

You can't mention how many people cops murder while "just doing their job", or where the money that finances them comes from.

Nope. All that is "cop hating". Fine.
