KentForLiberty pages

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Other people's (bad) choices

I can't understand when people choose to enslave themselves. I want them to choose liberty. I find myself wanting to force them to be free... which is a horrifying contradiction.

I can't make other people's choices for them.

I can live my live, by the Zero Aggression Principle, and help others when possible.

And I can grit my teeth and stay out of it when people make dumb, self-enslaving choices. Even though it hurts sometimes.



  1. Yeah, but have comfort you haven't acted on forcing them to be free.

    Like these fools:

    I guess we can agree the State's henchmen in this case would be more accurately called the 'Dept. of Homeland Insecurity'?

    1. You can be pretty certain that whatever the government agency's name is, its effect is the exact opposite. In every case.

  2. Who cares if they enslave themselves? It is that they push their bullshit onto the rest of us that is the issue. They won't listen to reason or stop it. You just have to kill them all. It is completely justified, both ethically and in terms of utilitarianism.

    1. I care. And, yes, I know that those who are happy to enslave themselves don't want to be reminded of their pathetic choice by seeing anyone being free.
