KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Statist words

You can tell a statist by his words.

Such as, using "The sandbox" to refer to wherever in the Middle East the US military is invading and violating this week. I'm sure the statists had a name for Vietnam, too.

"Our" when followed by "president", "congress"/"congressman", "representatives", "mayor", "police", "government". "Our" is often worse than "we" or "us".

"Rule of Law" is a big red flag. The word "illegal" is related.

The Pledge of Allegiance is a statist hymn. It is recited and revered by statists.

There are other words which set off alarms, but they may just be false alarms. Words like "patriot", "duty", "service", and "brothers". And "fair", concern, and justice. With these words, context is everything.

Words not only mean things, they have meaning behind their meaning. They can tell you a lot about the person using them. Pay attention.



  1. "Thank you, let me begin with sentimental appeals to the national myth. Assorted cliches coined by the state,
    ideological shorthand meant to sweep your private doubts away..."

    1. There is also the use of religious / uplifting / marchy music, especially in concert with images of eagles and bells.

  2. "Public" in front of a lot of words, including most of the ones on the last list, qualify.

    "public service"
    "public interest"
