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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

David Brown's "The Case of the Cockamamie Killer"

Recently, author David Brown sent me a PDF copy of his book, The Case of the Cockamamie Killer. I'll just say I'm probably not the greatest book reviewer, but I enjoyed reading it.

The tale made me hate the bad guys even worse than I already normally do (the IRS, which has nothing to love about it, anyway) and cheer their fate, and made me identify with the protagonist, even with him being as different from me as he could be. I'm not sure I would have his determination in the face of such evil- but I hope I would. I'm also not sure I could bounce back from such extreme abuse as quickly as he does. I admired his resiliency, resourcefulness, and attitude.

I'll admit to initially being shocked by the sexual preference and trysts of the main character. It just wasn't what I was expecting. I quickly got over that and got back into the story. I enjoy seeing things from a different perspective anyway.

There were some nice libertarian themes throughout the book, but nothing preachy. And the protagonist wasn't perfect, but he was understandable and likable.

It's not a long book- particularly since I just finished reading The Count of Monte Cristo. If you enjoy detective stories, you might enjoy this one.
