KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Self control highest responsibility

Self control highest responsibility

(My Clovis News Journal column for August 15, 2014.)

Liberty, responsibility, and happiness are intimately entwined.

Liberty is the freedom to do absolutely anything which doesn't violate anyone else's identical and equal liberty. It really is that simple; it's how responsible people behave.

Living by liberty can lead to happiness if you're not careful.

Some disturbed people aren't content with living their own liberty because it means staying out of the way of others. These people seem driven to meddle and prevent others from living a life of full liberty.

Often they take issue with the choices others make; calling them "libertines" or pointing out that some people will always be irresponsible. Until a person's choices violate the liberty of someone else, it's no one's business, and not within anyone's authority to interfere. You have no right to violate the liberty of others simply because some people might act irresponsibly or make choices which offend a "majority".

Your highest responsibility is to control yourself, not to enforce your ideas of responsibility on others- which seems to be very difficult for a lot of people in today's meddlesome society.

Every human interaction should be strictly voluntary. When someone breaks that indispensable rule of civilization and forces themselves or their way upon you, self defense becomes a legitimate option- even if the other person feels they were right in their actions toward you. They may point to "laws" they claim allow them to impose on you, or say they are doing it for your own good, or even worse, "for the children" or "for the good of society". Those excuses are always lies.

Some people get an empty substitute for happiness- and may even believe it's the real deal- from violating people. Don't be those people. You can't truly be happy while violating others and restricting their happiness.

If you honestly worry about someone else's choices, you have every right to warn them and try to convince them to see things your way. They may listen and change course, of their own free will, or they may keep doing what they are doing. It is then your responsibility to walk away. Later, you may choose to help them if your warnings were not heeded and their choice leads to problems, but you're not obligated to save them. And forcing yourself on others, even if motivated by genuine love and concern, is wrong.

Your responsibility is to do only those things you have a right to do. Respecting liberty means you must accept the right of everyone to make their own mistakes and either learn from them, or not, without overstepping your bounds. I know you can do it!


More gun stuff from Julie

I've been busy and distracted, and I neglected to share a few things from the Julie on Politics blog.

As I noted in an email to Julie:

Any sheriff who claims to defend the Second Amendment- but still enforces the NFA of 1934 and the GCA of '68 (and any other anti-gun edict)- is a liar. They are playing politics to appeal to a certain segment of the voters rather than being a real defender of gun rights. I realize they can't keep the "tax"-funded "job" without compromising, but that just means an honest person wouldn't accept the "job" in the first place.
The Second Amendment- if I could go back in time and write it from scratch- would be a lot simpler. It would state "Anyone who tries to take your guns is fair game". Because that is the moral reality, if not the "law".

Of course, a Second Amendment isn't necessary unless you make the stupid mistake of allowing a State to exist.

Well, they do. But evil thugs- from the cop who kidnapped her, to the parasites in the "justice system" who are continuing the molestation of Ms. Allen- are very enthusiastic to violate that right. I would like to see my re-writing of the Second Amendment mentioned above applied liberally in every case like this. I will never grieve any cop or politician who dies in the act of committing a gun theft. Never.

I haven't said anything about this accident, because there just isn't much to say. Accidents happen, and it is always tempting to start placing blame. We all do things that could have- or should have- killed us. If nothing happened we may not even be aware of it. 

I'm glad the dead man's kids are reaching out to the girl. I hope their forgiveness (if it was even needed) brings her comfort. And, I hope, just like falling off a bike, she will try shooting again.


Paralyzed by fiction

When I watch certain movies and TV programs I find myself feeling the world is much more scary and violent than it has proven to be in my experience of real life. And then I think of all the people who use these scary things as justification for not acting on making their own lives more liberated.

That makes me wonder if the people who always bring up the "evil warlord" and "rampaging gangs flowing across the countryside" objections to a voluntary society watch too much violent fiction. Or, at least, believe the fiction too strongly.

I'm not saying you shouldn't watch fictional programs, but remember they are fiction!

You can spend your time worrying about magical wizards, dragons, zombies, and spacetime portals swallowing you up if that's what you choose to do, but don't allow those concerns to paralyze you. That would be sad. The same goes for all sorts of unlikely justifications for The State.

And, yes, I realize really nasty powerful (freelance) bad guys, evil warlords, and rampaging gangs are more probable than magical wizards and dragons, but just barely. And if you live where those things are probable (generally due to too much governing going on in the first place), you should really consider moving.
