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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Reward the bully- punish his victim

I recently saw a quote* that was intended to show the absurdity of supporting gun owners' rights.  As you'll see, it utterly failed:

"When one child hits another with a rock, the answer isn't to give every child a rock."

And, if that were the whole story, it might be true.  But it isn't.

The truth of the matter is, that when you know there's a bully out there who intends to hit an innocent kid with a rock (or his fist, or a hammer, or a "law"), and you frisk the intended victim to make sure he has no rocks in his pocket, and then you threaten him with severe punishment if he dares to try to defend himself- well, then you are the bully's accomplice.  You are a friend to the villain and an enemy to all that is good.

The answer may not be to "give" every child a rock (they can find them on their own just fine- just like the bully did and will continue to do), but that would still be a better answer than the anti-liberty bigot tactic of trying to disarm all the decent folk.  The worst possible thing you can do is to try to take away the rocks the good kids have.  Or punish those who fight back.  When you do, you are only rewarding the bad guys and making it easier (and safer) to be a bad guy.

Anti-liberty bigots expose the festering evil in their hearts everytime they think they have come up with a clever new slogan.

I'll give my daughter some rocks, and expect her to abide by the ZAP.  Count on it.

(*I apologize that I forgot where I saw this quote.  I copied it, but neglected to copy the source.)