KentForLiberty pages

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Striving to be free-lance bully free, but enabling the rest

Seen on the animated sign at a local McDonald's: "Clovis... striving to be bully free" .


So, "Clovis" will be rewarding kids who stand up to bullies- even if they use violence in response to the bully's threats and violence?

"Clovis" will be firing every cop and the county commissioners and city council (or whatever they have)?

"Clovis" will stop fawning over the locally-stationed members of the US's aggressive, empire-building, foreign terrorism-committing military?

No?  Then "Clovis" isn't "striving" very hard at all.

In fact, I think bullies are just fine to "Clovis", as long as they aren't freelancing.

And please don't forget.



  1. Those government actions you list are not bullying, just as war is not murder and taxation is not theft and jury duty is not kidnapping.

  2. Silly me! I forgot that the double standard kicks into gear as soon as someone has a "job" that requires those thuggish acts. ;)

  3. First, do no harm. Treat others as you'd like to be treated. Instigate no force. Perpetrate no fraud. If it harms none, do as you will.

    There are those who wish to be left alone, and those who just wont leave them alone.

    Paul K. Brubaker, Sr.
