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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Government should open market

Government should open market

(My Clovis News Journal column for November 2, 2012.)

I will probably never understand those who feel that the solution to any problem is to get the government to do something about it, either by popular vote or government edict.

Very few things should ever be subject to a vote, and nothing that would violate the rights of the losing side should ever be put to a vote- nor imposed by law.

I recently watched an online video that told the story of how the Dutch got their bicycle paths. Instead of having those who thought it was a good idea join together in voluntary cooperation, the advocates instead joined forces to have government impose the plan on everyone. I'd agree with them that good bicycle paths are a great idea, and I'd enjoy having them, but if I force others to finance them I have taken something wonderful and turned it into something ugly. I have spat in the soup.

Why do you have to use coercion and "law" to effect changes that you think are a good idea? Is your plan not good enough that people would voluntarily support it? And is it so expensive that you can't allow those who are opposed, for whatever reason, to opt out of helping you pay for it? Nothing is that important.

The same applies to any government service.

I have no problem paying for what I use, or using what I am forced to pay for. The problem is being forced to pay for things that I neither want, nor use. Most coercively-financed things fall into this category.

In a free market situation I could choose the services that suit me best, at a price that is more appropriate for me, just by being allowed to spend my money as I see fit, rather than as some "majority" or "authority" demands.

I'm not saying force the government to stop offering its version of any service, just open the market to competition. If the government option is the best, people will support it. Voluntarily. With their own money, instead of with their neighbor's money.

The whole situation reminds me of the rich people who demand that the government raise their taxes. Nothing is stopping them from signing a bank account over to The State. The secret is, they know this already- they just want to force others to do the same thing. It is no different if the advocate of the government "solution" is poor. You can't be generous with other people's money. That is called "theft". It spoils the best of intentions.



There has to be a balance somewhere.

You need to be aware that the US government is capricious and evil.  You need to know that it can and will arbitrarily strand you far from home (after allowing you to leave its "borders"), and then, just maybe, "graciously" allow you to go home again- after a period of letting you sweat.

You need to be aware that cops will kidnap and murder you for doing things that are perfectly ethical.  Like carrying a gun or growing plants.

You need to be prepared for the fact that government goons can destroy your business for any number of sketchy "reasons"- that they can steal your home, car, and even your kids.

However, there have always been bad guys and there always will be- these are just the primary ones who happen to inflict this spot on the Earth at this time in history.  They aren't special.

You can't let these worthless parasites take away your joy in living.  That's what they would really like, and there's no point in handing them that trophy.

However, it isn't safe to ignore them or pretend they aren't the bad guys.

So what do you do?

I'd say, be aware, just don't obsess over them.  Stay balanced.  Find balance.  For every disgusting act of State that enrages you, find something beautiful to balance it out.  Live as free as you can in spite of the goons and their "laws".  Love deeply if you have the opportunity.  Laugh as often as you can.

And keep in mind that there will always be evil thugs who will try to destroy your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness- even in Libertopia.  Don't put them on a pedestal when their proper setting is the sewer.
