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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Technology in the service of liberty

Technology in the service of liberty

Drunk driving arrests at illegal (no matter what the complicit courts may claim), unethical "checkpoints" in Albuquerque are down from previous years.

It may be due to people being more responsible; it may be due to people being scared of being kidnapped and altering their behavior; it may be due to bars watching their customers more carefully; or it may be due to freedom-enhancing, tyranny busting technology.

I'm betting it is a combination. The one to celebrate the most is the technology, only because "drunk driving" has been defined down to the point that "responsible behavior" is no longer possible as a significant factor.

No matter what the thugs of The State may decree, technology has always managed to foil tyranny in the end, even while the statists try to monopolize technology in the service of tyranny and oppression. In the arms race between liberty and government, liberty is smarter, more adaptable, and quicker. This is, obviously, good news for liberty.


When 'normal' is perverted

When 'normal' is perverted
Some situations are tangled and difficult to ever sort out. And, sometimes, the people involved understand it is not in their interest to help The State sort it out. This is one reason The State shouldn't impose itself on anyone (or in any situation) without the consent of some of those involved.
An Albuquerque woman "frying panned" and stabbed a man; initially claiming self defense. Her boyfriend was also injured, probably by the stabbed man. The stories have changed and now seem to center around jailhouse sex and embarrassment, and "honor" of some twisted type. The stabbed man is in the hospital with a tube down his throat and cops are waiting until he can speak to try to get him to incriminate himself in some way.
If these people were smart, which seems extremely unlikely given the circumstances, they would all refuse to speak to The Law. In a free society the matter would end there unless some of them sought restitution from the others involved, and then arbitration would be hired. Yet, this is not a free society and The State must get involved and find someone to punish. And most people think this is "normal"?