KentForLiberty pages

Monday, July 26, 2010

If the State needs help, why bother with the State?

If the State needs help, why bother with the State?

I was noticing a story in the Albuquerque news about the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad receiving donations from businesses and individuals to help repair or replace the trestle that was damaged in a fire. The railroad is "owned" by the states of New Mexico and Colorado.
This brings up a point. If businesses and individuals are needed to donate money to help a state-"owned" attraction keep going in a crisis, why is the state "needed" at all? Obviously people think the railroad is important enough to help it over a rough spot. Why shouldn't these same people profit from the operation of the railroad more directly? Cut the state out of the equation.

Get my books, for FREE!

I am now offering all my books as free downloads. You are still allowed to pay me if you want, of course.

Go to "My Books" for the download buttons.

The file hosting site I'm using sucks oily gravel, but it is free for me to use. I can't afford any more expenses after paying for my website and various other projects related to my liberty activism.
Please let me know of a better file hosting site, that is free and doesn't expire, and I'll switch to it as soon as I can.
UPDATE: OK, at the suggestion of Mr. Paine I am in the process of switching them to Still free, though. Not sure why I didn't think of that since I had originally looked at publishing through Lulu.