KentForLiberty pages

Monday, June 14, 2010

Statists: constantly whining against liberty

Statists: constantly whining against liberty

Statists do not like the flaws in their thinking and in their "system" to be discussed or examined. If you don't believe me you haven't spent much time talking about liberty.

Discuss liberty very much and some statist will eventually accuse you of "whining about government". It doesn't matter if you are discussing the problems with achieving liberty in the presence of a government, just warning others of pitfalls to be aware of, or just talking about living free in spite of "how things are". Just mentioning liberty is enough to upset the statists and cause them to jump in to blindly defend their precious (and empty) religion.

There was a time when I did whine about government. That was a waste of effort. I used to worry about the government but now it is just irrelevant to me. Obviously, I am careful when I run into a representative or agent of the government but otherwise I don't think about it. Cops and other manifestations of the State are eyed with suspicion just as a dog with a foaming mouth would be. There's nothing mystical or omnipotent about either one, but both should be watched and avoided. To do otherwise would be suicidal.

However, to most statists- the most religiously dedicated ones anyway- any criticism or suggestions of ways to work around their cherished "system" is seen as whining. They would prefer those of us who see behind the curtain be quiet and stop exposing their lies. Probably because they have no real answers to the criticisms. When your bag of tricks is empty it is hard to pull something real out of it. So, they are forced to fall back on their magic incantations, which only work on others who suffer from the same delusions. They are sad cases, really.

An employee of Albuquerque's Metro Detention Center has been arrested for doing things his masters didn't like. He is said to have taken bribes to make sure certain prisoners got on the "home detention" program, which he was the coordinator of. Imagine that- an employee of the imprisonment industry being corrupt! Wonders never cease.

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