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Monday, December 07, 2009

Supporting 'acts of government' makes you guilty

Supporting 'acts of government' makes you guilty

The death sentence which was recently "handed down" by the Saudi Arabian government against a Lebanese TV psychic is barbaric, but it is no more barbaric than the acts of any other government. No government that has ever existed can be trusted with the power of life and death. They all inevitably use that power unethically.

I think science shows pretty clearly that psychics have no real "powers". Many people would disagree with me vehemently. That's fine. I am free to ignore or ridicule psychics and their followers regardless of any government's edicts. And others are free to order their lives by the psychic's advice. I don't know if this particular psychic has defrauded anyone intentionally or not, but even if he has that doesn't deserve death-by-state. If you go around executing everyone who believes in imaginary things, or who profits from that belief in others, that would be quite a massacre. Let people defend themselves and their own property from fraud; don't hand over that authority to anyone else- especially not to those known to always abuse it.

Yet, there are always people ready to applaud government goons handing out death and destruction, as long as it targets someone else. The people who turn out to watch the executions for entertainment are reprehensible excuses for "humanity", but are no more reprehensible than those who wave flags, pledge allegiance, and celebrate the invasion and occupation of other countries by the military force of their choice. It isn't even as if this is the "other side of the coin", it is completely indistinguishable.

Face it; those who cheer the executioner are no different than those who cheer or defend the police, the military, or any government agency. Support of government can't be justified.

Imagine looking down on all the government maneuvers here on Earth through an unimaginably advanced telescope on some other planet. If you were to arbitrarily distinguish between governmental aggression and mass aggression of any other sort, you would see that government is the same everywhere; and it is inexcusable in whatever form it is being imposed.

Beware the real 'ancient evil'

Beware the real 'ancient evil'

It is a common theme in books and movies that an "ancient evil" is somehow awakened and wreaks havoc on unsuspecting "redshirts". Yet, in our daily lives we are surrounded by the most horrible ancient evil of them all, and most of us don't even recognize it. It is government.

In all its thousands of years of existence it has killed and harmed more innocent people than any other totally avoidable thing. Yet, without complicit individuals it doesn't even have an existence and can harm no one.

Now, do you choose to side with this ancient evil, betraying all that is good in order to gain favor and receive temporary rewards- or because you want people to be controlled, or do you choose to oppose the ancient evil? Your answer tells a lot about you.