KentForLiberty pages

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The best course

The best course

Contrary to my youngest sister's childhood opinion, I don't know everything. But I do know certain things quite well. One thing I do know, without a shadow of a doubt, is that it is possible- not only possible, but imperative- to live a life of maximum freedom for yourself, protecting your life and your freedom as if it were your purpose for existing, while respecting the same in others. This means living by the Zero Aggression Principle and not initiating deception. Happiness is more important than freedom, but only with freedom can you truly "pursue happiness".

Even if freedom were not a successful "strategy", you would do well living that way. If the statists are right, and "might makes right", and theft, kidnapping and murder are OK as long as you have the winning vote, then society is doomed anyway. In such a case I would rather go out doing what I know is right instead of becoming an evil person just to get a little temporary benefit for myself.

I don't have all the answers. I am still learning from others, and learning from myself. I absorb all I can and I digest it until I use what I need and discard the rest. Then, the knowledge I have made a part of me, I rearrange into myself. Freedom is never finalized. Areas where I am not certain can be altered or changed by good arguments. Areas where I am certain need to be challenged and re-evaluated. Explaining myself and my views to others is the best way to untangle it in my own mind, and to find any weaknesses. I may not change my mind, but ideas that can't stand up to scrutiny are not worth much anyway.