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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Libertarian riches and groupies

Libertarian riches and groupies

If you are wanting to become a libertarian for the riches or the groupies, I hate to burst your bubble. You'd be better off becoming a clown. You might get rich in spite of your activism, but you would probably not be as rich as you would have been had you sold out to the state. They reward their own. And groupies seem to be in seriously short supply as well. LEOs and other such critters who like to bully people must be more appealing. That's life.

Still, there are benefits. There is no feeling in the world like being proved right on an hourly basis by world, local, and personal events. Getting above the "conservative/liberal" silliness gives you an entirely new perspective where you can see the whole picture much more clearly. It is very liberating. You will also wonder why you didn't see it before.

Plus, when given the opportunity to discuss freedom with a statist (not name-calling; the word simply describes one who believes 'government' is a legitimate human endeavor), if you can get him to stay in a debate with you, you will almost always see him eventually become a libertarian. Truth, logic, history, and consistency are all on our side, and all but the most "religiously statist" will finally see the light. It is incredibly gratifying. Give it a try. You can always find riches and groupies elsewhere.