KentForLiberty pages

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How far can you go in resisting tyranny?

How far can you go in resisting tyranny?

I received a link to a very interesting video a few days ago. It took me a little time to get around to watching it due to summer activities, but when I finally did, I was very glad I took the time.

The video lays out the justification for revolution using scenes from a big variety of movies, and using a big variety of music, interspersed with some historical photos and footage. It is called "The Four Stages of Revolution" and comes in two parts; the first part, at just over 35 minutes long, is the main body, while the second part runs just under 15 minutes and is almost like footnotes for the first part.

This video is not for everyone. It pulls no punches, and I briefly worried it would get me fired from Examiner if I promoted it here. Still, I think it makes good points and, for those who are really committed to being free in spite of the wishes of the state, it is very inspiring. Self defense from tyrants and their henchmen is "ZAP-compliant", although each act must be weighed independently.

If you have the time, I think you should watch it. And spread it around, either by sending people this link or direct links to the videos. Do it now before it gets banned.

The Four Stages of Revolution- Part 1

The Four Stages of Revolution- Part 2
