KentForLiberty pages

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Argument from Apocalypse"

The "argument from apocalypse*" ("AFA") is the term for the beliefs of those who, when faced with the idea of shedding government coercion say some version of "We'll all DIE!!" It is usually expressed as "Everyone will run around raping and killing whoever they want if there is no government there to stop them".

Of course, you and I both know this is ridiculous, but a lot of people claim to believe this apocalyptic scenario.

*This term comes from Stefen Molyneux's Practical Anarchy. Thank you to Puck T. Smith for reminding me where the term came from!


  1. Man, that's one of those phrases that I sure wish I could lay claim to.

  2. It is from Stefen Molyneux's Practical Anarchy. I have quoted the section defining it here.
