KentForLiberty pages

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Albuquerque Libertarian Examiner

Good news and bad news. I am now the Albuquerque Libertarian Examiner. That probably means most of my blogs will be written for that site, with only an introductory paragraph here. After all, even a libertarian anarchist likes a little money now and then.

Please continue to visit me there.




  1. Congrats! And a quick question for you regarding that gig: do you have to give slave numbers and all that schtuff, so that taxmen can get their cut?

  2. Yes, unfortunately they ask for all that stuff.

  3. Kent, I just got this from Codrea's Gun Rights Examiner! Congratulations!

    C'n I blog it?

  4. Joel- Yes, please do. Spread the word far and wide. Any proceeds from this go into my "metal, food, and weapons fund". So far I'm looking at buying a can of biscuits that I can throw at an attacker.
