KentForLiberty pages

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I talk a lot about "evil". I don't mean anything mystical by that word, but unlike some rational people, I do believe evil exists. I see the consequences and evidence of evil all around me. I see what concentrations of evil, such as a government, do to individuals. Corey Maye, David Olofson, Randy Weaver's family, and Kathryn Johnston are all victims of this institutionalized evil. A Google search on those names is in order if you haven't been paying attention.

When I speak of evil as a noun, I mean "that which harms the innocent". It is the opposite of "good" which is that which helps innocent people. If a person's life, either public or personal, has done much harm, then I may describe that person as "evil". People such as Hitler, Sarah Brady, and Ted Kennedy fall into this category. No person commits only harmful acts; even the worst will have little sparks of kindness towards certain individuals in particular situations. That doesn't outweigh the harm their other actions have caused, and I stand by my assessment of "evil" when referring to them.

Your ways of speaking of these types of actions and people may be different, but I think we would all recognize that their way is not the right way to live.

Added: Eric Sundwall brings up a good point: "Why not just use 'bad' and not risk the mystical association ?" To which I answer: Because bad doesn't go far enough. Driving a car drunk is bad, as is abusing "drugs". But as long as you harm no innocent person, you have not done evil. With much of the evil in the world, there is an underlying intent. The evildoers may not think of it as intending to harm people, but may see it as trying to control them. As we know, trying to control people invariably harms them. In many cases, though, the intent is actually to harm others to benefit oneself, either by gaining power over them, or by gaining wealth at the expense of the innocent.
